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Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera(Ghritkumari) enhances the normal metabolic & detoxification functions of the liver. It is natural detoxifier & boosts the immune system. Rich in mineral & vitamins Aloe Vera is cooling and cathartic. Plant is stomachic purgative, emmanogogue, and antihelmentic. Pulp is used in menstrual suppression and root in colic. It is purgative, cholagogue, anti-inflammatory, alterative, tonic, and antihelmentic.


Benefits of Aloe Vera

Central nervous system:Aloe Vera settles nerves and calms the nervous system.

 Blood and haemopoeitic tissue: it is a blood alkalinize.

 Cardiovascular system: It dilates the blood capillaries and increases the blood circulation

Skin: It is used to treat ulcers, wounds, epithelialization of skin burns and moisturizing dry skin. It breaks down and digests dead tissue and enhances normal cell growth and hastens healing. It acts as an antipruritic and stops itching.

 Nutrition and metabolism: Aloe Vera contains at least two active compounds that decrease the levels of sugar in the blood and its extract is also used in patients with hypoglycemia. It provides number of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes.

 Genito-urinary system: it is an emmanogogue and is also used an abortificant.
Musculoskeletal system. It penetrates up to the 7 layers of tissue and anesthesis tissue relieving joint and musculature pain.

 Hair: It regenerates hair follicles and heals seborrhea.

 Immunity system: This plant has antibacterial, anti fungicidal and antiviral properties. It is a natural cleanser and detoxifier.

 Digestive system: The Science and Medicine Institute of Linus Pauling in California, confirmed the beneficial effect of the consumption of Aloe Vera over the digestive system. Daily taking Aloe Vera produces a great improvement in persons with diseased digestive apparatus, colitis, heartburn and irritable colon. Action of the Aloe Vera was also proved as an antiacid and healer in treatments as gastritis and ulcer.

 Anti-inflammatory: Some Aloe Vera derivatives show anti-inflammatory activities by inhibiting prostanoid production in damage tissue.

 Antiseptic: The Aloe Vera plant produces at least 6 antiseptic agents: lupeol, salicylic acid, urea nitrogen, cinnamonic acid, phenol, and sulphur. Aloe has been used to eliminate many internal and external infections, wounds, and ulcers.

Aloe Vera Capsule contains pure and concentrated Aloe Vera.

Dosage: One capsule twice a day

Package size: 60 capsules of 500mg each